12-14 April 2022 – Regional Back-to-Back Meeting Asylum and Migration Management

The engaging discussions focused on the capacities of MARRI authorities to deal with possible mass migration flows, procedures of registration of migrants and existing systems for reception of asylum seekers in the MARRI Participants, implementation of the asylum procedure and challenges of dealing with vulnerable categories of migrants. The cooperation between the competent migration authorities, including the obstacles and possible solutions, were also touched upon while the interventions by the international partners further enriched the discussions.
This event was supported by the Austrian NGO Hilfswerk International – one of the implementers of a project financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) through the Austrian Federal Ministry of Interior (BMI).
11 – 12 November 2021 – Meeting of the Executive Heads of Border Police in Budva, Montenegro

In anticipation of the high-level meeting with Frontex Management Board scheduled for 16th of November 2021, MARRI Participants’ delegations met to discuss their cooperation with Frontex regarding the issues of mutual interest. Specifically, the three thematic sessions of the meeting were dedicated to the legal and operational aspects of cooperation with Frontex; the exchange of information about the latest developments in the field of migration; and discussions on the New EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, including the state of play of the Joint Cooperation Platform.
The meeting was co-organised by MARRI RC and Hilfswerk International under the auspices of the project „Reducing irregular migration to the EU by strengthening the capacity of migration-related structures in the Western Balkans, co-financed by the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Federal Ministry of Interior of Austria.
18 May 2021 – Meeting of the MARRI Border Management Police Network in Budva, Montenegro

Key topics of the discussion were the influence of Covid19 on migration, regulating the safe cross-border movements and required measures for suppression of the forged documents.
The presentation of the actual capacities and current practices in the MARRI Participants revealed similarities of specific situations, resemblances in trends and challenges that were common for the whole region. Among others, the identification of migrants, abuse of asylum procedures and increased circular migration in addition to the consistent attempts for migration towards Western Europe, were the most frequently reported difficulties.

The Heads of Asylum Departments and representatives of Border Police of MARRI Participants discussed the coordinated protection response in line with EU standards and international conventions at the 3-day regional conference, organised by MARRI RC with support of UNHCR.
The conference was the first in a series of UNHCR-supported regional events with an aim to revive the MARRI Heads of Asylum Departments Network as well as to strengthen the cooperation between the asylum and border police authorities.

With an objective to closely examine the core work of the four MARRI networks and to provide concrete proposals/ideas for using MARRI capacities in conducting future activities, the meeting offered unique opportunity for more than 50 professionals dealing with the migration management to gather in one place and discuss the regional priorities.
Through a group work based on MARRI Strategy 2018-2020, the participating experts identified the areas of required intervention and agreed to intensify and extend their professional networks. They recognized the need for further support from the EU, international organizations and friendly European governments emphasizing the importance of a closer cooperation between the Western Balkans and the EU.

Representatives of the Border Police Services from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Kosovo*, Romania and Serbia attended the Meeting.
The objective of the meeting was to present MARRI Strategy 2018-2020, MARRI RC results, ongoing reform process, current projects activities as well as result reached under BORDAIRPOL II Project.
The second goal was to receive inputs for the eventual follow-up of the Project by its participants through interactive group work and discussions. Constructive work resulted in several conclusions that represent the basis for the new Project cycle and strengthening of regional cooperation in the area of border management.
27 September 2017 – BORDAIRPOL II Third Annual Meeting and Study Visit to Bucharest, Romania

Cooperation Network composed by Commanders of international airports and Heads of the Land Border Departments from Southeast Europe, participated at this event.
The objective of the Study visit to the Border Police of Romania was to create possibility for the Cooperation Network to be acquainted with the EU legislation and practices. It was focused in particular on transfer of best practices aimed at reaching the EU standards in candidates and potential candidate countries.
3-4 October 2016 – BORDAIRPOL II Second Annual Meeting – Study Visit to FRONTEX in Warsaw, Poland

Representatives of the Frontex International and European Cooperation Unit, the Joint Operations Unit, the IPA II Project Coordinator and Heads of Land and Air Border Sectors presented general information about FRONTEX and its cooperation with non-EU countries, including the existing challenges and opportunities of the regular operational cooperation with the BORDAIRPOL project beneficiaries.
The ongoing EC Programme titled “Regional support to protection-sensitive migration management in Western Balkans and Turkey” and financed by IPA II, was one of the topics discussed at the meeting. The participants had the possibility to visit the Operational room of FRONTEX Situation Centre and were introduced with its scope of activities.
20-22 April 2016 – BORDAIRPOL II First Annual Meeting in Portorož, Slovenia

The Annual Meeting was the first strategic meeting organized under Project BORDAIRPOL II financed by Swiss State Secretariat for Migration. Beneficiaries of the Project Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo*, Moldova, Serbia and Romania discussed about identification of challenges and presented existing capacities of the Border Police Services in the SEE.
The most important conclusion of the meeting was that specific, effective and need based regional approach shall be the key component for capacity building of border police services. The participants strongly supported projects implemented by MARRI RC in enhancing overall border police capacities and encouraged further cooperation with IOM, PCC SEE, DCAF, OSCE, NI CO.
16 December 2015 – Third Annual Meeting of the Heads of Border Police held in Budva, Montenegro

The members of the PIRWG/NC exchanged information about the latest developments in the field of air borders policing, risk analysis reports, good practices, identify gaps, discuss possible solutions and maintain quality of cooperation. Representatives from FRONTEX participated at the meeting as well.

In the framework of the BORDAIRPOL Project, the MARRI Regional Centre in co-operation with the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Moldova organized the Second Annual Meeting of PIRWG/NC on operational level. Representatives from the Partner organizations – FRONTEX, SFOM, PCC SEE and EUBAM participated on the meeting as well.
The meeting led to conclusion that one of the important components of MARRI as Regional Initiative was to enhance, and create preconditions for more efficient police cooperation, built professional approach and speed up European integration process of the Member States.
26 – 27 September 2013 – BORDAIRPOL Project – First Annual Meeting in Tirana, Albania

The First Annual Meeting of the Permanent Inter-Regional Working Group/Network for Cooperation (PIRWG / NC) on operational level was organized by the MARRI Regional Centre in co-operation with the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Albania.
The objective of the annual meeting was to create possibility for the Members of the PIRWG / NC to discuss various topics of mutual interest, exchange information about the latest developments in the field of air borders policing, risk analysis reports, good practices, identify gaps, discuss possible solutions and maintain quality of cooperation.
30 – 31 January 2012 – Study Visit at the Schiphol International Airport, Amsterdam

The study visit was organised in the framework of the Project “Joint comprehensive approach in building co-operation between MARRI and SEPCA Member States’ border police on international airport border crossing points” by MARRI Regional Centre in partnership with the Royal Marechaussee District Schiphol and SEPCA.
The objectives of the Study Visit were members of the Permanent Inter-Regional Working Group/Network for Cooperation consisted of Commanders of the Border Police Units from main international airports in MARRI and SEPCA Member States to (i) get familiarized with International and European standards, (ii) get familiarized with techniques and methods used in monitoring and control of border crossing as well as protection of airports and aircrafts and (iii) transfer experiences and best practices in management of the International Airports Border Crossing Points.

Main objectives of the Workshop were to identify gaps and difficulties in passport & visa control, migration management – legal and illegal, carriers’ liability and obligation of carriers to communicate passenger data and develop recommendations for sustainable solutions. In order to accomplish the envisaged objectives of the Workshop, Heads of Border Police Units on International Airports from MARRI Member States delivered country presentations on relevant regulatory framework, capacity building and training, state of technical equipment, risk analysis procedures and most importantly intra-agency, inter-agency and international cooperation (integrated border management). Experts from FRONTEX, SEPCA, PCC Secretariat and International Airport Brnik, Ljubljana – Slovenia also contributed from their perspective, placing emphasis on international cooperation.
25 – 27 March 2010 – Study Visit to Zurich International Airport – Kloten

Heads of Border Police Units on international airports in MARRI Member States had the opportunity to get familiarized with organization and practices of Zurich Airport Police, including security, Schengen standards in border control and migration management at the airport.
The study visit was organised in the framework of the Project “Establishment of network for co-operation between border police on international airport border crossing points in MARRI Member States”, financed by the Swiss Federal Office for Migration, the Principality of Liechtenstein and MARRI Initiative.

The overall objective of the Workshop was to improve regional migration management system to address issues of combating irregular migration on sustainable and permanent basis, thus contributing to the regional efforts to channel irregular flows to regular ones. Specific objectives of the MARRI Workshop were to establish more effective cross border co-operation among border police on international airport border crossing points in the MARRI region, to increase efficiency in movement of persons and goods as well as to prevent/reduce crime and irregular migration.
Joint Trainings in the framework of BORDAIRPOL I & II
- 18 December 2018 – BORDAIRPOL II Eight Joint Training: Presentation of Vega Children Handbook in Belgrade, Serbia http://marri-rc.org.mk/events/18-december-2018-bordairpol-ii-eight-joint-training-presentation-of-vega-children-handbook/
- 17 May 2018 – BORDAIRPOL II 7th Joint Training in Belgrade, Serbia http://marri-rc.org.mk/events/17-may-2018-bordairpol-ii-7th-joint-training/
- 22 November 2017 – BORDAIRPOL II Sixth Joint Training in Sofia, Bulgaria http://marri-rc.org.mk/events/bordairpol-ii-sixth-joint-training-to-be-held-on-23rd-november-2017-in-sofia-bulgaria/
- 26 October 2018 – BORDAIRPOL II Fifth Joint Training in Budva, Montenegro http://marri-rc.org.mk/events/bordairpol-ii-fifth-joint-training-advanced-level-training-for-the-detection-of-falsified-documentstravel-documents-security-and-setting-up-regional-standards-for-biometric-data-processing-in-bud/
- 30 March 2017 – BORDAIRPOL II Fourth Joint Training in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina http://marri-rc.org.mk/events/forth-joint-training-on-the-schengen-external-borders-acquis-30th-march-2017-in-sarajevo-bosnia-and-hercegovina/
- 10 November 2016 – BORDAIRPOL II Third Joint Training in Belgrade, Serbia http://marri-rc.org.mk/events/bordairpol-ii-sofia-upgrading-procedures-for-asylum-seekers-november-2016/
- 27 October 2016 – BORDAIRPOL II Second Joint Training in Tirana, Albania http://marri-rc.org.mk/events/bordairpol-ii-tirana-al-what-border-police-gets-and-needs-from-marri-27-october-2016/
- 8-9 April 2016 – BORDAIRPOL II First Joint Training, Skopje, Macedonia http://marri-rc.org.mk/events/april-2016-upgrading-procedure-for-asylum-seekers-first-training-under-bordairpol/
- 23-24 June 2015 – BORDAIRPOL Sixth Joint Training in Ohrid, Macedonia http://marri-rc.org.mk/events/sixth-joint-training-june-2015/
- 27-29 January 2015 – BORDAIRPOL Fifth joint training VIS in Ohrid, Macedonia http://marri-rc.org.mk/events/fifth-joint-training-vis-held-in-ohrid-27-29-january-2015/
- 2 October 2014 – BORDAIRPOL Fourth Joint Training SIRENE, Ohrid, Macedonia http://marri-rc.org.mk/events/todo-fourth-joint-training-sirene-to-be-held-in-ohrid-02nd-october-2014/
- 13 March 2014 – BORDAIRPOL Third Joint Training on the topic of “Schengen Information System -SIS” in Skopje, Macedonia http://marri-rc.org.mk/events/third-joint-training-on-the-topic-of-schengen-information-system-sis-held-in-skopje/
- 24 – 25 October 2013 – BORDAIRPOL Second Joint Training – “Passenger name record – PNR” in Skopje, Macedonia http://marri-rc.org.mk/events/todo-second-joint-training-passenger-name-record-pnr-24-25-october-2013-skopje-macedonia/
- 4-6 June 2013 – BORDAIRPOL First Joint Training “Advanced passenger information system -APIS” in Ohrid, Macedonia http://marri-rc.org.mk/events/todo-first-joint-training-advanced-passenger-information-system-apis-held-in-ohrid-macedonia/