1 June 2022 – 6th Steering Group Meeting of the PaCT Project

1 June 2022 – 6th Steering Group Meeting of the PaCT Project

Budva – The 6th PaCT Steering Group Meeting (SGM) was organised as a part of series of events implemented jointly by MARRI, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). The aim of the meeting was to discuss the project’s progress of all activity packages, specifically the Mobile Identification Teams, Referral Mechanism (NRM), Capacity Development of Identification, the Awareness Raising Campaigns as well as the mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS) measures in the

13 May 2022 – Meeting of the MARRI Permanent Working Group on Migration Statistics – Online

13 May 2022 – Meeting of the MARRI Permanent Working Group on Migration Statistics – Online

On the first session of MARRI Permanent Working Group on Migration Statistics (PWG MS) since its kick-off on 23 – 24 November 2021 in Belgrade, the members of the Working Group recapitulated the progress made so far and discussed the steps forward in fulfilling its mandate given by MARRI Regional Forum. MARRI RC Director Sashko Kocev as Chairman of the Permanent Working Group on Migration Statistics, expressed satisfaction that although the primary focus in the reported period has been solidifying and operationalizing

10 May 2022 – Meeting of MARRI Legal Framework Reform Working Group – Online

10 May 2022 – Meeting of MARRI Legal Framework Reform Working Group – Online

The online meeting of the MARRI Legal Framework Reform (LFR) Working Group (WG) was organised as a follow up on the session held on 22-24 March 2022 in Dojran, where the WG worked on the optimisation of the MARRI’s three main documents, i.e. MARRI Statute, MARRI RC General Rules and MARRI RC Financial Rules and Regulations. In respectful and constructive negotiations, the MARRI Delegations successfully addressed some of the remaining open questions in the draft documents, acknowledging that they may

20 April 2022 – Presentation of the Analysis Report: Trends of Human Trafficking in the MARRI Participants

20 April 2022 – Presentation of the Analysis Report: Trends of Human Trafficking in the MARRI Participants

Skopje – The changing patterns and trends in human trafficking were in the focus of the regional research which MARRI RC initiated in the framework of the regional project ¨Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in the Western Balkans¨ (PaCT), with a view to further support MARRI authorities in the efforts to enhance the quality and effectiveness of interventions aimed at combatting the trafficking in humans in the region. Based on the data and information gathered from the MARRI

12-14 April 2022 – Regional Back-to-Back Meeting Asylum and Migration Management

12-14 April 2022 – Regional Back-to-Back Meeting Asylum and Migration Management

Budva – In line with the priorities of North Macedonia Presidency-in-Office, MARRI RC with support of Hilfswerk International organised a back-to-back meeting for representatives of various migration management institutions in the MARRI Participants, to discuss topics of common interest. Representatives of European agencies and international organisations also attended the meeting. The event was opened by the Acting Director General for European Affairs, International Cooperation and Support Programs at the Ministry of the Interior of Montenegro, Sergej Mucalica. “The challenges of migration,

5 April 2022 – MARRI Friends Meeting/Diplomatic Briefing

5 April 2022 – MARRI Friends Meeting/Diplomatic Briefing

Skopje – Representatives of diplomatic corps, Macedonian governmental institutions as well as international and civil sector organisations attended the traditional presentation of annual results and plans of MARRI at the MARRI Friends Meeting/Diplomatic briefing which was organised under the Presidency-in-Office by North Macedonia in Skopje. The event also provided opportunity to MARRI partners and donors to discuss the past joint achievements and consider possibilities for future efforts in the area of migration management in the Western Balkans. In his welcoming

29 March – 1 April 2022 – Regional Follow up Conference on Readmission

29 March – 1 April 2022 – Regional Follow up Conference on Readmission

Following the introductory remarks delivered by Assistant Minister of Security Samir Rizvo, Austrian Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Ulrike Hartmann, Hilfswerk International Regional Director for the Balkans Suzana Jasharevic, and MARRI RC Director Sashko Kocev, the discussions focused on the possibilities of regional approach and joint engagement in the field of readmission with the support of international partners. “Regional cooperation in the area of readmission is in the interest of the Western Balkans, the European Union, but also in the

22-24 March 2022 – Meeting of MARRI Legal Framework Reform Working Group in Dojran, North Macedonia

22-24 March 2022 – Meeting of MARRI Legal Framework Reform Working Group in Dojran, North Macedonia

Dojran –  The Delegates of the Legal Framework Reform (LFR) Working Group (WG) met upon invitation by MARRI RC Director to work on further optimisation of the MARRI’s three main documents, i.e. MARRI Statute, MARRI RC General Rules and MARRI RC Financial Rules and Regulations. Following the RC Director’s concise historical abstract on the LFR and all steps taken since its start through the Podgorica Declaration of the MARRI Regional Forum 2016, the WG adjusted the texts of the documents

14 February 2022 – Meeting with the Minister of Interior of North Macedonia Oliver Spasovski

14 February 2022 – Meeting with the Minister of Interior of North Macedonia Oliver Spasovski

Skopje – MARRI RC Director Sashko Kocev met the Minister of Interior of North Macedonia Oliver Spasovski to discuss the latest developments in MARRI with regard to the priorities of the Initiative under the Presidency-in-Office by North Macedonia. The interlocuters confirmed the long-term successful cooperation between the Ministry of Interior and the MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje, and Director Kocev expressed gratitude to the Minister for the support provided so far. Further, Director Kocev presented the ongoing activities of the