15-16 December 2020 – Regional Conference “Tuning migration procedures to Covid-19: Good practices and way forward”

15-16 December 2020 – Regional Conference “Tuning migration procedures to Covid-19: Good practices and way forward”

On the occasion of launching the findings of the regional Analysis of COVID-19 influence on migration in the MARRI Participants in the areas of irregular migration, trafficking in human beings and asylum, MARRI RC organised a virtual Regional Conference “Tuning migration procedures to Covid-19: Good practices and way forward” where policy makers, practitioners, service providers and other key migration stakeholders discussed the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the migration governance. Apart from representatives of the MARRI Participants, the conference was highly attended by

11 December 2020 – MARRI Committee Meeting

11 December 2020 – MARRI Committee Meeting

The mid-term MARRI Committee Meeting under the Montenegro Chairmanship was virtually attended by the MARRI Committee members, Coordinators, Participants’ Representatives at the Regional Centre and the MARRI RC staff. The opening remarks of the Ambassador Veljko Milonjic on behalf of the Precedency-in-Office, were followed by the address of MARRI RC Director Sashko Kocev in which he briefed about Centre’s operations and impact in the period of June-December 2020, the implemented & upcoming project activities as well as events linked to the cooperation

24 November 2020 – 3rd PaCT Steering Group Meeting

24 November 2020 – 3rd PaCT Steering Group Meeting

MARRI Participants’ Coordinators for trafficking in human beings met for the third time as members of PaCT Steering Group to discuss the project progress, outcomes and the way forward regarding the project objectives. The meeting was attended by representatives of the project’s implementing partners International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), NGO Tjeter Vizion from Albania, NGO World Vision from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the NGO Executive Group form Serbia; representatives of GIZ Project team and the MARRI RC team.

12 November 2020 – Workshop on EASO Training Needs Assessment and Training Methodology

12 November 2020 – Workshop on EASO Training Needs Assessment and Training Methodology

The first activity under the EASO – MARRI Pilot Training Workplan 2020 – 2021 was attended by representatives from EASO and MARRI RC in Skopje. At the workshop,  the experiences of EASO on implementation of a training process were shared, from planning to realization, with emphasizes on the challenges EASO faces under the circumstances of 2020. Also, the workshop was used to review the upcoming activities which had been postponed due to Covid19 pandemic, and to set new timeframe for

10 November 2020 – Online Training for Asylum Department Staff in Serbia on Regional Remote Interpretation Service

10 November 2020 – Online Training for Asylum Department Staff in Serbia on Regional Remote Interpretation Service

MARRI delivered a tailored online training on the use of the Regional Remote Interpretation Service (RRIS) for staff of the Asylum Department at the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia. This was the last RRIS training for MARRI Participant asylum department employees which had to be delivered online due to COVID-19 containment measures. RRIS has been launched since September 2019, and is now available for use in all MARRI Participants. Through interactive practical exercises, the attending asylum officials

19 – 22 October 2020 – 4th MARRI Legal Framework Reform Meeting

19 – 22 October 2020 – 4th MARRI Legal Framework Reform Meeting

The final meeting of the MARRI Legal Framework Reform Working Group was organised by Director Sashko Kocev online, under Montenegro Presidency-in-Office. The meeting was dedicated to the final revision of new draft MARRI Basic Documents, as proposed by Integrated German Expert Christoph von Harsdorf. The Reform includes a partly concluded management reform and will lead to higher functionality of MARRI, optimized processes and increased efficiency as well as to a higher output of its Regional Centre. The Legal Framework Reform

MARRI RC Internship Program

The position offers an opportunity to learn about MARRI and its internal workings as well as to perform tasks revolving around administration, search of legal documents and finance during flexible working hours and with a possibility for a remote work. The working language is English. This is a monthly paid internship of 12,000.00 MKD. The interested candidates should send CV at info@marri-rc.org.mk by 10 July 2020.  

29 – 30 June 2020 – MARRI Committee Meeting and Regional Forum

29 – 30 June 2020 – MARRI Committee Meeting and Regional Forum

For a 16th year in a row, MARRI held its Regional Forum of Ministers of Interior/ Security with the participation of high representatives from MARRI Participants’ administrations and international organizations. The Forum meeting was scheduled to take place in Prishtina but was moved online due to the global COVID – 19 outbreak – making it the first virtual high-level meeting in MARRI’s history. Day before, MARRI Regional Committee held its regular session in order to finalize documents and recommendations to

11 June 2020 – 2nd Steering Group Meeting of the Regional Project on Preventing and Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings in the Western Balkans (PaCT)

11 June 2020 – 2nd Steering Group Meeting of the Regional Project on Preventing and Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings in the Western Balkans (PaCT)

The meeting which was organized virtually through Microsoft Teams platform, was attended by the Coordinators for Fight Against Trafficking in Human Beings in the region and representatives of PaCT project partners GIZ, MARRI and ICMPD. The main discussions of the meeting were focused on the project progress as well as the activities undertaken in accordance to the previous meeting conclusions, such as Assessment of the THB Strategies in the MARRI Participants, updating the Guidelines for their development, and organizing joint