DSC08947On 18 September, 2012 in Podgorica, the Fourth Steering Committee Meeting of the project Migration for Development in the Western Balkans (MIDWEB) was held. The MARRI RC Director was invited on this event representing MARRI RC as partner, but also as Chair of the Steering Committee Board. The meeting was attended by EU representative, the partner organizations as well as by the high level representatives from the beneficiary countries/ Ministry of labour.
The project manager Ms. Magdalena Majkowska-Tomkin from IOM presented the progress based on the results from the implemented project activities. The general opinion is that the project brings a lot of tangible results developed in all beneficiary countries. The interventions by the state representatives were that they expect the project implementation to continue after it’s end (November, 2012), having in mind that the positive tendency with the project activities are not yet completed.
Reasonable part of the meeting was devoted for the sustainability of the project activities in the future, with involvement of the regional and national stakeholders.

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MIDWEB Steering Board Meeting, Podgorica, 18th September, 2012