DSC00254 (Small)MARRI Regional Centre, in the framework of the Project “Support of cooperation among border police on airports in Southeast Europe” – BORDAIRPOL, organized Fourth Joint Training on the topic “Supplementary Information Request at the National Entry – SIRENE”, which took place on 02 October, 2014 in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
The training was conducted by Mr. Giuseppe Segnin, expert from SIRENE Bureau from Italian International Police Cooperation Department and Mr. Rui Melro FRONTEX representative. Presentations of the two experts were based on providing basic information and utilization of SIRENE Bureau in border security/immigration purposes aiming at supporting and improving border security as well as combating crime and terrorism.

Participants were also acquainted with the best practices and experiences of SIRENE, presented by representatives from Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania. RCC representative Mr. Predrag Vujicic, also participated at the training.

Senior level border police officers from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania took part at the Training with capacities to further multiply obtained knowledge within the respective Border Police Units.

The Joint Training is the fourth out of six trainings that will be organized in the fields of air border policing particularly those needed for fulfillment of the required standards for the accession to the EU focusing on the preparation and implementation phase based on the evaluation processes carried out by the European Commission.

Mr. Trpe Stojanovski, Director of MARRI Regional Centre expressed professional gratitude and acknowledgment to the representatives of the SEE countries for participating at the Training, concluding that international and regional cooperation is based upon joint aims, exchange of experiences and strengthening partnership.

MARRI Regional Centre will initiate and continue professional communication with the Police Services from SEE and international partners in planning and facilitaing organization of joint police trainings.

In 2015, under BORDAIRPOL Project, which is funded by the Swiss Confederation and with co-funding provided by MARRI, two remaining Joint Trainings focusing on Visa Information System and English language training will be organized.

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Fourth Joint Training SIRENE to be held in Ohrid, 02nd October 2014