PG 001Regional Workshop “Enhancing and Strengthening International and Cross-border Cooperation in Addressing Irregular Migration-related Crimes in the Western Balkans” has been held on 31st August -1st September 2016 in Podgorica, Montenegro.

The aim of this important regional event has been to strengthen cooperation of criminal justice authorities and other relevant public and private stakeholders in addressing irregular migration-related crimes in the region focusing on prevention, prosecution and assistance provided to the victims, migrants and refugees, with the objective to identify gaps, challenges and good practices and upgrade cooperation and information exchange between the countries of origin, transit and destination.

This workshop has been built on results of the mint OSCE, IOM and UNODC partnership in the area of countering transnational organized crime with focus on smuggling of migrants and trafficking in human beings in Western Balkans. It represents the third in a row event, after workshops organized in Athens (June 2014) and Belgrade (November 2015).

MARRI RC was represented by RC Director, Ambassador Tamara Mugosa and Ms. Selma Mehovic, National Representative of Montenegro to MARRI RC.

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Regional Workshop “Enhancing and Strengthening International and Cross-border Cooperation in Addressing Irregular Migration-related Crimes in the Western Balkans” in Podgorica, Montenegro