IMG_1346Regular mid-term Presidency MARRI Regional Committee meeting was held at the premises of the Regional Centre in Skopje, on 11 December 2017.

The event was chaired by MARRI Committee Member of the Republic of Albania, Antonela Dhimolea.

In line with the ongoing MARRI reform and previous conclusions of MARRI Forum and Committee, the Head of the Committee Working Group and Macedonian National Coordinator, Aleksandar Todosiev, presented proposal for new working procedures and organisational structure of the Regional Center.

MARRI RC Director Tamara Mugosa presented the state of play, in terms of the activities completed in the last six months. The preview of the first MARRI promotional video, intended to raise visibility of the Initiative was also shown.

Following constructive discussion and suggestions, the Committee recommended to MARRI Regional Forum of Ministers two documents for adoption – Draft MARRI Strategy 2018-2020 and MARRI RC Budget for 2018. The Committee also recommended to the Forum the completion of signing procedure of the Protocol on the use of joint interpretation pool in the area of migration and asylum by 01 February 2018.

In line with its competences, the Committee adopted Terms of References for selection of the next MARRI RC Director, decided to open competition for Program Manager after adoption of the MARRI Strategy. The Committee also invited Bosnia and Herzegovina to appoint its Representative at the Regional Centre. Referring to the proposal of the Committee Working Group on new working procedures and organisational topics, it was concluded that final positions of MARRI Participants are to be sent till 18 February 2018, after which date the Group will meet to discuss further steps. The Committee agreed that mid-term Meetings will be regularly held in Skopje, while the Committee meetings to be organized in the framework of MARRI Forum will be held in the respective MARRI Participants, holding the position of MARRI Presidency.

MARRI Committee acknowledged and commended activities carried out in the period of mid-term Presidency of the Republic of Albania, stressing particular quality of the Draft Strategy, numerous project activities and production of video aimed at further upgrading of MARRI visibility. The increasing trend of donors’ support has been highlighted as proof of MARRI reform credibility and its continuous valorisation in the international context.

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Albanian Presidency mid-term MARRI Committee Meeting