DSC0951204-06 June 2013, Ohrid – MARRI Regional Centre in the framework of the Project “Support of cooperation among border police on airports in Southeast Europe – BORDAIRPOL”  organized the First Joint Training on the topic of “Advanced Passenger Information System – APIS”. The Joint Training was the first out of six joint trainings that will be organized in the fields of air border policing particularly those needed for fulfillment of the required standards for accession to the EU with special attention to the preparation and implementation phase of the evaluation processes carried out by the EC. The objective of the First Joint Training was to transfer EU expertise, experience and best practices in this particular topic to the invited senior level border police officers from the main SEE International Airports with capacities to further multiply gained knowledge within respective border police units. The training was conducted by an expert from FRONTEX Research and Development Unit, as well as expert from the Royal Marechaussee from Netherlands. The Project is funded by the Swiss Confederation with the co-funding provided by MARRI.

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First Joint Training “Advanced passenger information system -APIS” held in Ohrid, Macedonia