The Presentation on SOCTA 2015 Report was organized in Belgrade on 14 November 2016.

The Ministers of Interiors of Macedonia, Oliver Spasovski, Montenegro, Goran Danilovic and Serbia, Nebojsa Stefanovic attended the presentation and addressed the participants of the event.

The document has been developed with financial support of the Government of Switzerland within the Regional Police Cooperation Programme (2012-2016) and it is implemented by the OSCE Mission in Belgrade, together with OSCE Missions in Skopje and Podgorica. DCAF and EUROPOL provided capacity building of developers (high police officials from three countries) providing expertise, methodology and coordination of the process.

The Report is developed within the project “Enhancing Capacities for Strategic Analysis and Strategic Assessment in the Criminal Investigation Directorates of the Serbian, Montenegrin and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Ministries of Interior”.

The Regional Serious and Organized Crime Threat Assessment (SOCTA) Report 2015 provides a comprehensive overview of the current situation and trends, consequences of various types of crimes typical in the Western Balkans. The region’s geographic position on the crossroads between Europe, the Middle and Far East, caused that transnational aspect of organized crime in the region is very developed. The document provides important analytical platform, clear and indicative overview of the state of play in the area of combating organized crime in Western Balkans and priorities in future activities and policies.

The assessment includes particularly the experience of operative lines of work in the relevant crime areas, statistics on the level, presence and extent of criminal phenomena in three countries. Final outcome and conclusions identified the most profitable type of organized crime, in which the largest number of organized crime groups (OCGs) are involved. Besides top criminal activities regarding production and smuggling of drugs, the Report defines smuggling of irregular migrants as second and human trafficking as third most frequent criminal activities in the region, which are also the field of interest of MARRI and the part of its mandate.

The Regional SOCTA Report can be used as a tool in further strategic activities of the countries in WB region. Their priorities are reflected in a number of complex activities and intensive efforts, where an efficient fight against organized crime, as one of the main conditions for EU accession, represents the main priority.

The first presentation of Macedonia, Montenegro & Serbia SOCTA 2015 has been organized for the most important stakeholders in the area of combating organized crime, including key regional and international organizations. Upon invitation of OSCE Mission in Belgrade and Interior Ministry of the Republic of Serbia, the delegation of MARRI RC: Director, Tamara Mugosa and Serbia National Representative Slavko Dragan Petrovic attended the event.

Presentation of Macedonia, Montenegro & Serbia SOCTA 2015 Report in Belgrade, Serbia