MARRI Diplomatic Briefing, April 2020

Every first week of April, MARRI RC organizes MARRI Friends Meeting – a traditional presentation of annual results and future plans of MARRI to the Diplomatic Corps, MARRI’s partners, donors, representatives of governmental institutions and civil society sector in North Macedonia. The event also provides opportunity for the stakeholders to discuss the possibilities for joint efforts in the area of migration management in the Western Balkans.

Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the MARRI Friends Meeting 2020 was canceled and the MARRI Diplomatic Briefing was published instead.


Milica Trpevska, IOM Project Assistant seconded to MARRI RC as a participant in the “Faces of IOM” video series

MARRI RC Director Sashko Kocev speaks in a video by ‘Vidi Vaka” production

MARRI Bulletin, December 2019



If you call it “Ahead of the game” (Australian Government) or “Fit for purpose” (UN, OSCE), it does not matter. A changing world and the 2030 SDG Agenda require many institutions and organizations to adapt to the 21st century’s challenges and transformation.

MARRI Bulletin 3

MARRI RC Director’s interview for Faktor, North Macedonia

“About 70% of the migrants passing through the Balkan region are adult men” said MARRI RC Director Sashko Kocev in the interview for Faktor.


MARRI Bulletin, June 2019

Dear MARRI partners, supporters and friends,

This year, we are proud to mark the 15th anniversary of MARRI as a catalyst for regional cooperation on issues concerning migration, asylum and refugees in the Western Balkans. Back in 2004, MARRI was established with a decision by the Stability Pact of South-Eastern Europe. It has since evolved from a donor-supported organisation to a regional initiative jointly owned by its Participants.

Looking back, I am amazed by the hard work done and the progress made during this challenging but rewarding period. In 2008, the Participants took over the full ownership and leadership of MARRI, while securing its sustainability by funding the running costs for its Secretariat – the MARRI Regional Centre.

Initially, MARRI has been established by Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, (North) Macedonia, and Serbia and Montenegro. Over the years, its composition has changed with the leaving of Croatia and joining of Kosovo* as a full-fledged MARRI Participant. Nevertheless, the commitment towards regional cooperation and a coordinated response to the common challenges has stood the test of time.

MARRI Bulletin 2

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence

MARRI RC Director’s interview for Ina Online, North Macedonia

“Far more economic migrants pass through the Western Balkans than refugees from the war zones” said MARRI RC Director Sashko Kocev in the interview for Ina Online.

MARRI Bulletin, January 2019

Dear MARRI friends,

Five months have passed since I took over the position of Director of the MARRI Regional Centre. It is a milestone in my professional life. After more than 29 years with the Macedonian Ministry of Interior, it is the first time that I engage with a different institution – although closely related to the MOI’s tasks in migration management.

I am aware of the challenge I am faced with but at the same time, I am convinced that my extensive experience in Police and border management, as well as the practical knowledge and expertise in implementing numerous EU/IPA funded projects, will greatly benefit our work at MARRI.

MARRI Bulletin 1

MARRI RC Director’s interview for Plusinfo, Macedonia

“The situation in the region has been significantly improved in terms of capacities and resources to tackle a large influx of migrants but challenges still persist,..” said MARRI RC Director Sashko Kocev in the interview for Plusinfo, Macedonia.


SAFERR Women and Girls (Shelter and Access for Empowerment and Risk Reduction)” Project with support of Catholic Relief Services (CRS)