This publication is also available in Serbian, Albanian and Macedonian language.
This Practitioner’s Guide hides in fact two landmark tools developed and published by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) over a decade ago.
In 2006, ICMPD published the Guidelines for the Development and Implementation of a Comprehensive National Anti-Trafficking Response, and in 2010 it was followed by the Monitoring and Evaluation Handbook for National Action Plans against Trafficking in Human Beings.
This Guide integrates ICMPD’s experience of advising and supporting governments in their anti-trafficking efforts in the past fifteen years from many other regions across the world – from Brazil to West Africa, Middle East and the Caucasus. It is a tool that provides a step by step guidance on what a national anti-trafficking response is, how it should be designed or revised, and by whom it should be implemented. It outlines the key steps and issues to be considered in setting up effective structures and procedures for results-based monitoring, review and evaluation of action plans to combat trafficking in human beings.