Second AtR Regional Workshop on Integration Issues, Skopje, 15 December 2005

Second AtR Regional Workshop on Integration Issues, Skopje, 15 December 2005

SKOPJE, Macedonia – A second Regional Workshop, under the organisation of AtR Programme, was held in the MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje on 15 December 2005. The invited participants from all MARRI Member States exchanged their views and experiences on access to rights and integration of returnees from readmission agreements. View gallery

MARRI Regional Forum, Prcanj, 28-29 November 2005

MARRI Regional Forum, Prcanj, 28-29 November 2005

PRCANJ, Montenegro – The Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative (MARRI) organised the first Regional Forum under the Serbia and Montenegro Presidency. The Regional MARRI Forum took place in Prcanj, Montenegro on 28 and 29 November 2005. The Forum gave an opportunity for MARRI Member States to discuss current and future activities of MARRI in the framework of regional cooperation and regional ownership. View gallery

Meeting of National Coordinators on Anti-trafficking in Persons, Ohrid, 22 November 2005

Meeting of National Coordinators on Anti-trafficking in Persons, Ohrid, 22 November 2005

OHRID, Macedonia – National coordinators of the respective governments of the Migration, Asylum and Refugees Regional Initiative Member States met in Ohrid on 22 November 2005 at a side meeting, in the framework of the regional CARDS project Enhance the Implementation Strategies for National Anti-trafficking Action Plans in the SAp countries, implemented by the ICMPD. During the meeting the respective national coordinators agreed on further enhancement of their regional cooperation through the regional platform of anti-trafficking in Human Beings in

IOM TRP Session for Victims of Trafficking, Skopje, 3 November 2005

IOM TRP Session for Victims of Trafficking, Skopje, 3 November 2005

SKOPJE, Macedonia – The session on Establishment of Temporary Residence Permits (TRP) for Victims of Trafficking was held in the MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje on 3 November 2005. This project is financed by the Government of Finland and implemented by IOM as part of the Regional- Counter Trafficking Prevention and Capacity Building Activities in Kosovo and Macedonia- Project. This session was used to present international obligations for implementation of the TRP (Palermo Protocol and Council Directive of 29 April

Meeting on Incorporation of Asylum Issues into IBM, Skopje, 2 November 2005

Meeting on Incorporation of Asylum Issues into IBM, Skopje, 2 November 2005

SKOPJE, Macedonia – A meeting on Incorporation of Asylum Issues into Integrated Border Management was held in Skopje on 2 November 2005.  It gathered Heads of Asylum Departments and senior officials from Border Police units from MARRI Member States. The overall objective of the meeting was the discussion on incorporation of asylum matters into integrated border management in order to increase awareness for these kind of obligations among border officials and to strengthen capacities of the border authorities for dealing with

Parliamentary Seminar on Refugees and DPs in SP Region, Skopje, 17-18 October 2005

Parliamentary Seminar on Refugees and DPs in SP Region, Skopje, 17-18 October 2005

SKOPJE, Macedonia – Parliamentarians from the Council of Europe and OSCE as well as members of the European Parliament participated in a seminar on the situation of refugees and displaced persons in the region of the Stability Pact for South-East Europe, which took place in Skopje on 17 and 18 October 2005 (further information also available at Participants discussed the problems of re-integrating internally displaced persons and refugees, the danger of explosive devices and the fate of missing persons.

IOM TRP National Roundtable & Visit of Experts, Skopje, 14 October 2005

IOM TRP National Roundtable & Visit of Experts, Skopje, 14 October 2005

SKOPJE, Macedonia – IOM Skopje organised the “National Roundtable and Visit of Experts: The EU and Regional Perspective” on the premises of the MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje on 14 October 2005. The round table was organised in the framework of IOM Programme on Temporary Residence Permits (TRP) for Victims of Trafficking in cooperation with the MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje. Its target group was the Macedonian state administration dealing with the issue of temporary residence permits, middle and high

Regional CARDS Seminar on AMV Management, Skopje, 5-6 October 2005

Regional CARDS Seminar on AMV Management, Skopje, 5-6 October 2005

SKOPJE, Macedonia – A Regional CARDS Seminar on Applied Integrated Asylum, Migration and Visa Management was held in MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje on 5-6 October 2005. The seminar was organised by the Swedish Migration Board, in cooperation with the MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje. The target group of this seminar were the middle and high level officials from the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as civil servants in SAP countries. The objective of the

ATR Regional Workshop on Integration Issues, Skopje, 29 September 2005

ATR Regional Workshop on Integration Issues, Skopje, 29 September 2005

SKOPJE, Macedonia – A Regional Workshop on Integration Issues, under the organisation of AtR Programme, was held in the MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje on 29 September 2005. The invited participants from all MARRI Member States exchanged their views and experiences on integration issues, further strengthening regional cooperation in that area. View gallery

Meeting of Heads of Consular Departments, Skopje, 13-14 September 2005

Meeting of Heads of Consular Departments, Skopje, 13-14 September 2005

SKOPJE, Macedonia – The MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje organised a meeting of Heads of Consular Departments of MARRI Member States in Skopje on 13 -14 September 2005. The overall objective of the meeting was the establishment of a Regional Working Group on Consular Cooperation (RWGCC), adoption of its internal rules and a tentative plan of activities for 2005-2006.