Study visit/workshop “Best practices in managing reception/detention centers for asylum seekers,” Potsdam, 18-19 June 2009

Study visit/workshop “Best practices in managing reception/detention centers for asylum seekers,” Potsdam, 18-19 June 2009

POTSDAM, Germany – The study visit/workshop, “Best practices in managing reception/detention centers for asylum seekers,” organised by the MARRI Regional Centre in partnership with Ministry of Interior of Land of Brandenburg, was held in Potsdam and Eisenhüttenstadt Detention Centre for Asylum Seekers in Land of Brandenburg, Germany on 18-19 June 2009. Its objective was to assist the MARRI Member States’ national institutions responsible for managing reception/detention centers for asylum seekers in their efforts to achieve international and European minimum standards

Workshop “Establishment of network for cooperation among border police on international airport BCPs in MMS,” Skopje, 27 March 2009

Workshop “Establishment of network for cooperation among border police on international airport BCPs in MMS,” Skopje, 27 March 2009

SKOPJE, Macedonia – The MARRI Regional Centre, together with the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Interior, within its capacity of MARRI Presidency-In-Office,  organised a Workshop titled “Establishment of network for cooperation among border police on international airport border crossing points in MARRI Member States,” held in Skopje on 27 March 2009. The MARRI Member States are facing many challenges in their efforts to tackle increasingly complex and diverse phenomenon of irregular migration and its effects to

Seminar on citizenship legislation and practices in MARRI MS, Tirana, 20 February 2009

Seminar on citizenship legislation and practices in MARRI MS, Tirana, 20 February 2009

TIRANA, Albania – The MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje and the Albanian Ministry of Interior jointly organised the seminar “Citizenship legislation and practices – overview of the state of the affairs in MARRI Member States, ” held in Tirana, Albania on 20 February 2009. This seminar was organised thanks to kind financial contribution of the Czech Republic, whereas the Czech Republic is currently presiding over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The population movements in the MARRI

MARRI Regional Forum, Ohrid, 5 December 2008

MARRI Regional Forum, Ohrid, 5 December 2008

OHRID, Macedonia – The MARRI National Coordinators from six MARRI Member States have met for the MARRI Regional Forum in Ohrid, 5 December 2008, held under the Macedonian MARRI Presidency-in-Office (May 2008 – May 2009). Macedonian Deputy-Foreign Minister Zoran Petrov opened the Forum, while the MARRI National Coordinators and the Director of the MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje briefed the Forum on the past and future MARRI activities. The participants from six MARRI Member States, Bulgaria, Norway, Slovenia, European Commission, as well as international organisations

Workshop “Models for exchange of info in preventing/combating THB,” Mavrovo, 30 Oct. 2008

Workshop “Models for exchange of info in preventing/combating THB,” Mavrovo, 30 Oct. 2008

MAVROVO, Macedonia – The Macedonian MARRI-Presidency-in-Office and the MARRI Regional Centre organised a workshop “Models for exchange of information in preventing and combating trafficking in human beings”, held in Mavrovo, Macedonia on 30 October 2008. The objective of the Workshop was to exchange the best practices, identify gaps and possible solutions for establishment/improvement of models of formal and regular exchange of information as well as models of early warning systems between MARRI Member States’  institutions responsible for combating trafficking in

Friends of MARRI Meeting/Diplomatic Briefing, Skopje, 21 October 2008

Friends of MARRI Meeting/Diplomatic Briefing, Skopje, 21 October 2008

SKOPJE, Macedonia – The MARRI Regional Centre and the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the capacity of the MARRI Presidency-in-Office, organised Friends of MARRI/Diplomatic Briefing meeting on the Government premises in Skopje on 21 October 2008. The meeting gathered members of Macedonian diplomatic corps, relevant international organisations and representatives of foreign donours from EU countries. The opening speech was  delivered by the Macedonian Minister of Interior, Ms. Gordana Jankuloska, M.A. The MARRI Regional Centre was recognised as an active

Seminar “Comprehensive Migration Management Systems,” Ohrid, 12 September 2008

Seminar “Comprehensive Migration Management Systems,” Ohrid, 12 September 2008

OHRID, Macedonia – The Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, within its capacity of MARRI Presidency-In-Office, organised the Seminar on “Comprehensive Migration Management Systems,” held in Hotel Granit, Ohrid on 12 September 2008. Recently, the European Commission opened a structured dialogue on visa liberalisation for all MARRI Member States (Croatia already has visa free regime with EU countries) which resulted in “Roadmaps on visa liberalisation” with clearly defined standards each country has to meet in order to gradually progress towards the

TRM Project Team Meeting, Mavrovo, 8–10 September 2008

TRM Project Team Meeting, Mavrovo, 8–10 September 2008

MAVROVO, Macedonia – The Programme to Support the Development of Transnational Referral Mechanisms (TRM) for Trafficked Persons in SEE project team meeting took place on 8-10 September 2008 in Mavrovo, Macedonia. The Programme is implemented by ICMPD, while TRM partners are MARRI and UNICEF and the project is financed by USAID. The Local Liaison Officers shared the results of the questionnaires that were distributed to the National Implementation Teams in each participating country at the beginning of the summer. The

MARRI Regional Forum, Ohrid, 28-29 May 2009

OHRID, Macedonia – The Macedonian MARRI Presidency-In-Office (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Interior) and the MARRI Regional Centre Skopje organised the MARRI Regional Forum in Hotel Metropol, Ohrid on 28 and 29 May 2009. The event was opened by Mr. Zoran Petrov, Macedonian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs on behalf of Ms. Gordana Jankuloska, Minister of Interior, and Mr. Jusuf Kalamperovic, Montenegrin Minister of Interior. The participants were high officials dealing with migration issues from Albania, Bosnia and

MARRI Regional Forum, Zagreb, 19 May 2008

MARRI Regional Forum, Zagreb, 19 May 2008

ZAGREB, Croatia – The high representatives responsible for migration issues and the MARRI National Coordinators have met for the MARRI Regional Forum in Zagreb on 19 May 2008, as held by the Croatian MARRI Presidency (April 2007 – May 2008). Dr. Trpe Stojanovski, Director, MARRI Regional Centre and Ms. Marina Rožić, on behalf of the Croatian MARRI Presidency in Office briefed the participants on the past and future MARRI activities in the past year. The MARRI Strategy and Programme of