Round Table on “Prevention of Irregular Migration in B&H and in the Region and Voluntary Return of Irregular Migrants” was held in Skopje

Round Table on “Prevention of Irregular Migration in B&H and in the Region and Voluntary Return of Irregular Migrants” was held in Skopje

On 17-18 December 2013, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, MARRI Regional Centre hosted the round table on the topic “Prevention of Irregular Migration in the Region and Voluntary Return of Irregular Migrants”. The round table was organized in the framework of the Project between the Swiss Government and Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Ministry of Security/Services for Foreigners. Specific objectives of the round table were: 1. understanding the national and institutional framework for the fight against illegal migration (National Strategy); 2.  strengthening

MARRI Regional Committee in Zagreb, 09.12.2013

MARRI Regional Committee in Zagreb, 09.12.2013

MARRI Committee Meeting organized by the Croatian MARRI Presidency-in-Office was held on 09 December 2013 inZagreb. The Committee Meeting was organized in the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Croatia, chaired by Mr. Davor Vidiš, Head of Directorate for Neighboring Countries andSEE, MFAEI. Members of MARRI Committee and MARRI National Coordinators from MARRI Member States were present and discussed current MARRI activities and future plans. View gallery

Launching meeting of the BORDAIRPOL Website 03 December 2013, Skopje, Macedonia

Launching meeting of the BORDAIRPOL Website 03 December 2013, Skopje, Macedonia

Meeting with objective to officially announce the launching of the Secured Website developed within the BORDAIRPOL Project, took place on 03 December 2013 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. High level National Delegations from MARRI Member States, beneficiaries of the BORDAIRPOL Project as well as National Institutions of the Republic of Macedonia, Diplomatic Core and Project Partners – FRONTEX, Swiss Federal Office for Migration, Royal Marechaussee Schiphol Airport – Netherlands participated on the event. The meeting was opened with welcoming address

Celebration of the MARRI 10th anniversary and promotion of MARRI Monograph

Celebration of the MARRI 10th anniversary and promotion of MARRI Monograph

On December 2, 2013, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, the Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative (MARRI) celebrated the 10thanniversary of its establishment. On this occasion, the MARRI Monograph on 10 years of MARRI activity, prepared by the MARRI Regional Centre, was launched. High level national authorities from the MARRI Member States, diplomatic corps accredited to the Republic of Macedonia, MARRI friends and donors  attended the ceremony. The Minister of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia, Mrs. Gordana Jankuloska honoured the

Second Joint Training – “Passenger name record – PNR” 24 – 25 October 2013, Skopje, Macedonia

Second Joint Training – “Passenger name record – PNR” 24 – 25 October 2013, Skopje, Macedonia

MARRI Regional Centre in association with the Border Police and Police Training Centre of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia organized the Second Joint Training on the topic of “Passenger Name Record – PNR” within the framework of the Project “Support of cooperation among border police on airports in Southeast Europe – BORDAIRPOL”,  which took place on 25 October 2013 in Skopje, Macedonia. The Joint Training is the second out of six joint trainings that will be

BORDAIRPOL Project – First Annual Meeting in Tirana

BORDAIRPOL Project – First Annual Meeting in Tirana

26-27 September 2013, Tirana, Albania – The First Annual Meeting of the PIRWG / NC on operational level composed of Heads of the border police units on main international airports from Southeast European Countries – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia took place on 26 – 27 September 2013 in Tirana, Republic of Albania. The meeting was held in the framework of the Project “Support of cooperation among border police on airports in Southeast

Multi beneficiary workshop on Intellectual emigration organized in Sarajevo

Multi beneficiary workshop on Intellectual emigration organized in Sarajevo

Multi beneficiary workshop titled “Intellectual emigration – effects and implications on the socioeconomic and demographic development” took place on 10 – 11 September 2013 in Sarajevo, BH, organized by the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Sector for Diaspora/Emigration, MARRI Regional Centre and RACVIAC. The workshop gathered High level representatives from National Institutions responsible for creation of National Migration Strategies, resolutions and policies dealing with migration (emigration in particular) issues and development from SEE candidate

First Joint Training “Advanced passenger information system -APIS” held in Ohrid, Macedonia

First Joint Training “Advanced passenger information system -APIS” held in Ohrid, Macedonia

04-06 June 2013, Ohrid – MARRI Regional Centre in the framework of the Project “Support of cooperation among border police on airports in Southeast Europe – BORDAIRPOL”  organized the First Joint Training on the topic of “Advanced Passenger Information System – APIS”. The Joint Training was the first out of six joint trainings that will be organized in the fields of air border policing particularly those needed for fulfillment of the required standards for accession to the EU with special

Minister of Interior of the State of Saxony Mr. Markus Ulbig visits the MARRI Regional Centre

Minister of Interior of the State of Saxony Mr. Markus Ulbig visits the MARRI Regional Centre

On 19/03/2013, the Director of MARRI RC, Ph.D. Trpe Stojanovski, received a delegation of the Ministry of Interior of the State of Saxony headed by the Minister of Interior Mr. Markus Ulbig in the framework of a visit to the Republic of Macedonia. Mr. Stojanovski welcomed and briefed the delegation on the MARRI work, its structure, objectives and priorities. He also took the opportunity of this meeting to express gratitude to Germany for the good cooperation and support to MARRI.

Meeting of the Heads of Consular Services

Meeting of the Heads of Consular Services

Skopje, 12 February 2013 – MARRI Regional Centre participated on the Meeting of the Heads of Consular Services organized under the auspices of the Macedonian Chairmanship-in-Office 2012-2013 of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) which took place on 12 February 2013 in the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia. Meeting gathered Heads and High level representatives of Consular Services from SEECP participating states as well as representatives of the Delegation of the European