Fifth joint training VIS held in Ohrid 27-29 January 2015

Fifth joint training VIS held in Ohrid 27-29 January 2015

Fifth Joint Training – VIS held in Ohrid In the framework of the Project “Support of cooperation among border police on airports in Southeast Europe” BORDAIRPOL, MARRI Regional Centre organized Fifth Joint Training on the topic “Visa Information System- VIS”, which took place on 28 January, 2015 in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. The Training was conducted by Mr. Laurent Bonansea, European Commission representative who provided basic information and utilization of VIS, outlooks and challenges from the EC perspective as well

THB Workshop in organization of MARRI and RACVIAC took place in Ohrid

THB Workshop in organization of MARRI and RACVIAC took place in Ohrid

Ohrid, Macedonia, 15 – 17 December 2014 – MARRI Regional Centre, RACVIAC and Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia organized the workshop “Regional Cooperation for Better Response to the THB in SEE” in the period 15-17 December 2014 in Ohrid, Macedonia. National representatives from MARRI & RACVIAC Member states Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey were present, as well as a representative from Kosovo*. Also, active part in the workshop took international organizations ICMPD, IOM

MARRI Regional Committee Meeting

MARRI Regional Committee Meeting

On 4 December 2014, in Skopje, the Macedonian Chairmanship-in-Office of MARRI held the MARRI Regional Committee Meeting. The meeting was held at the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia. This Committee Meeting was attended by the MARRI National Coordinators or Members of the MARRI Regional Committee from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro. Serbia was represented by the Ambassador of Serbia to Macedonia. Also Kosovo* was invited by the Macedonian Chairmanship-in-Office to participate at this Meeting

VolVis Project – “Building a Regional Response to Human Trafficking” Study visit to USA, 16th – 27th November 2014

VolVis Project – “Building a Regional Response to Human Trafficking” Study visit to USA, 16th – 27th November 2014

In close cooperation with US Embassy in Skopje, Macedonia, MARRI Regional Centre developed VolVis Project in the framework of MARRI Network for Cooperation in Combating Traficking in Human Beings. VolVis Project started with study visit to USA of all members of the Network – National Coordinators in THB in the WB Region, including a representative from Kosovo*. The study visit named “Building a Regional Response to Human Trafficking” was organized in the period 16-27 November 2014, as a sub-regional project

Second Annual Meeting of Permanent inter-regional working group/network for cooperation (PIRWG/NC) held in Moldova

Second Annual Meeting of Permanent inter-regional working group/network for cooperation (PIRWG/NC) held in Moldova

In the framework of the Project “Support of cooperation among border police on airports in Southeast Europe – BORDAIRPOL”, the MARRI Regional Centre in co-operation with the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Moldova organized the Second Annual Meeting of the Permanent inter-regional working group/network for cooperation (PIRWG/NC) on operational level composed of Heads of the border police units on main international airports from Southeast European Countries – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania and Serbia which took

Fourth Joint Training SIRENE to be held in Ohrid, 02nd October 2014

Fourth Joint Training SIRENE to be held in Ohrid, 02nd October 2014

MARRI Regional Centre, in the framework of the Project “Support of cooperation among border police on airports in Southeast Europe” – BORDAIRPOL, organized Fourth Joint Training on the topic “Supplementary Information Request at the National Entry – SIRENE”, which took place on 02 October, 2014 in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. The training was conducted by Mr. Giuseppe Segnin, expert from SIRENE Bureau from Italian International Police Cooperation Department and Mr. Rui Melro FRONTEX representative. Presentations of the two experts were

MARRI Regional Committee Meeting and Regional Forum held in Cavtat, Croatia

MARRI Regional Committee Meeting and Regional Forum held in Cavtat, Croatia

MARRI Regional Committee Meeting and Ministerial Forum organized by the Croatian MARRI Presidency-in-Office were held on 09 – 10 June 2014 in Cavtat, Croatia. The Committee Meeting took place on 09 June 2014. It gathered MARRI Committee Members with objective to discuss current key topics for the MARRI and resulted with Approval of MARRI Strategy 2014 – 2016, Approval of the procedure for election of the new MARRI RC Director, Finalization of the “Cavtat Declaration” as well as Introduction of

First preparatory meeting of FRONTEX Flight Tracking Project held in Skopje

First preparatory meeting of FRONTEX Flight Tracking Project held in Skopje

15 May 2-14, Skopje, Macedonia – FRONTEX in cooperation with the MARRI Regional Centre organized the First preparatory meeting of Frontex Flight Tracking Project, which took place on 15 May 2014 in the premises of the MARRI RC in Skopje, Macedonia. The objective of the First preparatory meeting was to present the concept of the Frontex Flight Tracking Project – a new and innovative operational model, based on utilization of the latest smart phone technologies available, operating as a real

Third Joint Training on the topic of “Schengen Information System -SIS” held in Skopje

Third Joint Training on the topic of “Schengen Information System -SIS” held in Skopje

MARRI Regional Centre in association with the Border Police of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia organized the Third Joint Training on the topic of “Schengen Information System – SIS” within the framework of the Project “Support of cooperation among border police on airports in Southeast Europe – BORDAIRPOL”, which took place on 13 March 2014 in Skopje, Macedonia. The Joint Training was the third out of six joint trainings that will be organized in the fields

EU – Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs held in Budva

EU – Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs held in Budva

Budva, 19-20th December, 2013 – On 19-20th December, 2013 in Budva the EU – Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs was held. The Lithuanian EU Presidency, the Commissioner Ms. Malstrom, the Ministries of Interior and Justice from Western Balkan countries and the International organizations were present, discussing the Post – Visa liberalization monitoring mechanisms and visa liberalization monitoring, Counterterrorism and Security: illegal trafficking in firearms and foreign fighters, Secondary movement of irregular migrants from Greece/Bulgaria to other