BORDAIRPOL II First Annual Meeting in Portorož, Slovenia

BORDAIRPOL II First Annual Meeting in Portorož, Slovenia

MARRI’s First Annual Meeting BORDAIRPOL II and ad hoc Meeting on New Developments on the SEE Migratory Route and Joint Response to Newly Occurring Security Challenges, co-organised by the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe (PCC SEE) Secretariat under the auspices of the Moldovan Chairmanship and the DCAF Border Security Programme was held from 20-22 April 2016 in Portorož, Slovenia Annual Meeting is the first strategic meeting organized under Project BORDAIRPOL II financed by Swiss State Secretariat for Migration. Beneficiaries

BORDAIRPOL II First Joint Training in Skopje, Macedonia

BORDAIRPOL II First Joint Training in Skopje, Macedonia

The training was held on 8-9 April 2016 with aim to improve the ability of National Governments to address challenges in implementing national policies and legislation by working toward a comprehensive picture of threats posed by the areas of asylum and mixed migration flows, to be presented with a future regional strategic analytical product. National delegations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Kosovo*, Romania and Serbia presented relevant data and statistics and exchanged information about the latest

Training for use of the database and closing event of “Improvement of the Procedures for Establishing Identity of Irregular Migrants in MARRI Region” Project on 29-30 March 2016 in Skopje, Macedonia

Training for use of the database and closing event of “Improvement of the Procedures for Establishing Identity of Irregular Migrants in MARRI Region” Project on 29-30 March 2016 in Skopje, Macedonia

As part of the project, we have worked hard on enhancing the capacities of the MARRI Participants’ national authorities to effectively respond to the expansion of irregular migrants and speed up the identification process. The project supported the national institutions in building a sustainable and effective mechanism for joint multi-stakeholder action in the process of establishing identity of irregular migrants. In the course of the past 11 months through eight regional workshops the following major outputs have been achieved: Drafting

Central European Initiative Conference “Acting together in Migration Management – Enhancing cooperation between local and central government” in Skopje, Macedonia

Central European Initiative Conference “Acting together in Migration Management – Enhancing cooperation between local and central government” in Skopje, Macedonia

MARRI Regional Centre hosted International Conference “Acting together in Migration Management – Enhancing Coordination among Local and Central Level” on 17th March 2016 in Skopje. The event was organized under Montenegrin Presidency-in–Office. Over 80 participants – representatives of central and local authorities from 14 European countries, international organizations and NGO’s gathered in order to exchange experiences and best practices in migration crisis management. Vice President of the European Parliament for the Western Balkans Ms. Ulrike Lunacek addressed the participants via

Workshop on finalizing the Guidelines for establishing identity of irregular migrants

Workshop on finalizing the Guidelines for establishing identity of irregular migrants

The workshop was held on 28-29 January 2016 in Skopje, where representatives from the Ministries of Interior of all MARRI Participants got together in order to finalize the work on the Guidelines for establishing identity of irregular migrants. The main purpose of this document is to improve procedures and practices, related to establishment of irregular migrants´ identity.  This effort is also aimed at  harmonizing standards and procedures to be applied by the authorities dealing with irregular migrants in all MARRI Participants. The three-member

Migration and Refugee Flows in Transit Countries: Security Implications

Migration and Refugee Flows in Transit Countries: Security Implications

The international conference “Migration and Refugee Flows in Transit Countries: Security Implications” has been organized on 15-16 December 2015 in Skopje, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia and Central European Initiative Secretariat. On that occasion it has been organized the official signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding between CEI Executive Secretariat and MARRI Regional Center. The conference has been organized under the auspices of the Macedonian Presidency with CEI with two panel discussions: The impact of migration and

Workshop on harmonizing procedures for Guidelines under UK Project held

Workshop on harmonizing procedures for Guidelines under UK Project held

This Workshop, held on 17 and 18 December 2015 in Skopje, was aimed at harmonizing procedures for establishing identity of irregular migrants and drafting a common document i.e. Guidelines for establishing identity of irregular migrants who have no identification documents with participation of MARRI Participants competent representatives from the Ministries of Internal Affairs or Ministries of Security.

Third Annual Meeting of the Heads of Border Police held in Budva

Third Annual Meeting of the Heads of Border Police held in Budva

The MARRI Regional Centre in cooperation with the Interior Ministry of Montenegro  organized the Third Annual Meeting of the Permanent inter-regional working group/network for cooperation (hereinafter PIRWG/NC) on operational level composed of Heads of the border police units on main international airports from Southeast European Countries- Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Kosovo, which took place on 16 December in Budva, Montenegro. The objective of the annual meetings under BORDAIRPOL Project is to make possibility for the