BORDAIRPOL II Second Joint Training in Tirana, Albania

BORDAIRPOL II Second Joint Training in Tirana, Albania

MARRI RC organized Second Joint Training/Workshop “What Border Police gets and needs from MARRI” on the 27 October 2016 in Tirana, Albania. Senior Officials of border control authorities from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Kosovo*, Moldova, Serbia and Romania participated at this event as a part of BORDAIRPOL II Project. The objective of the Workshop entitled What Border Police gets and needs from MARRI was to commence consultative process for development of MARRI Strategy 2017-2020. In order to receive relevant

Inaugural conference on Enhancing the capacity of the Police (and Customs) Co-operation Centres in South Eastern European region in Skopje, Macedonia

Inaugural conference on Enhancing the capacity of the Police (and Customs) Co-operation Centres in South Eastern European region in Skopje, Macedonia

The project „Supporting the development and sustainable operation of regional cooperation mechanism by means of enhancing the capacity of Police Custom Cooperation Centres in South Eastern European region” has been launched during the two days Conference held on 25th- 26th October 2016 in Skopje. The event was organised by OSCE. The Transnational Threats Department/Border Security and Management Unit (TNTD/BSMU) in co-operation with the German OSCE Chairmanship-in-Office, invited the representatives of the Police Co-operation Convention in South Eastern Europe (PCC SEE)

Budapest Process – A Silk Routes Partnership for Migration – 9th Working group Meeting on Integration (and Re-integration) in Belgrade, Serbia

Budapest Process – A Silk Routes Partnership for Migration – 9th Working group Meeting on Integration (and Re-integration) in Belgrade, Serbia

The 9th Meeting of the Working Group has been held in Belgrade (Serbia) on 18th-19th October 2016.  It was chaired by Turkey and co-chaired by Hungary and Afghanistan and hosted by Serbian Ministry of Interiors, while ICMPD has taken key organizational role. The meeting has been dedicated to Integration as 2nd priority area of Istanbul Ministerial Declaration on Silk Routes Partnership for Integration. It has also considered re-integration, the topic covered by 3rd and 4th priority areas of the same

Migration, Displacement, and Community Resilience Conference in Belgrade, Serbia

Migration, Displacement, and Community Resilience Conference in Belgrade, Serbia

The Regional Meeting “Migration, Displacement, and Community Resilience” was organized in Palace of Serbia in Belgrade on 4-5 October 2016 by UNDP. The conference on managing migration for long term positive development impacts gathered representatives of regional local authorities from Turkey, Italy, Macedonia, Albania, Serbia and Croatia, as well as representatives from central level state administrations and international, regional organizations (UNDP, UNHCR, IOM, ICMPD, JMDI, NALAS, GIZ, MARRI…), and civil society organizations (FPE, Legist, etc). The conference was organized as

BORDAIRPOL II Second Annual Meeting – Study Visit to FRONTEX in Warsaw, Poland

BORDAIRPOL II Second Annual Meeting – Study Visit to FRONTEX in Warsaw, Poland

The Study visit was conducted under Project BORDAIRPOL II, financed by Swiss State Secretariat for Migration. High Officials of the respective border control authorities of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo*, Moldova, Serbia and Romania, dealing with Air and Land Borders, took part in this Project activity on 3-4 October 2016. Members of the Agency representing the International and European Cooperation Unit, the Joint Operations Unit, the IPA II Project Coordinator and Heads of Land and Air Border

International Conference “European Values and Security Faced with Migration and Refugee – a Perspective from Civil Society” in Skopje, Macedonia

International Conference “European Values and Security Faced with Migration and Refugee – a Perspective from Civil Society” in Skopje, Macedonia

Director of MARRI RC, ambassador Tamara Mugosa took part as one of the panelists at the International Conference titled European values and security faced with migration and refugee – a perspective from civil society, held in Skopje on 20 September 2016. This event has been co-organized by the Institute for Geostrategic and Foreign Affairs Policy of the Macedonian Foreign Ministry, Central European Initiative, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and European Movement in Macedonia. Mugosa took part in the first Panel entitled Migration and

Third Ministerial Conference of the Prague Process in Bratislava, Slovakia

Third Ministerial Conference of the Prague Process in Bratislava, Slovakia

Third Ministerial Conference of the Prague Process has been held on 20th September 2016 in Bratislava, under the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the EU. Two working sessions provided opportunity for high level participants to confer the current migration situation as well as its challenges. They have also discussed on how to tackle recognized challenges and pointed out that overall cooperation and coordination is of utmost importance. Participating countries and representatives of the EC and international organizations agreed that activities

Regional Workshop “Enhancing and Strengthening International and Cross-border Cooperation in Addressing Irregular Migration-related Crimes in the Western Balkans” in Podgorica, Montenegro

Regional Workshop “Enhancing and Strengthening International and Cross-border Cooperation in Addressing Irregular Migration-related Crimes in the Western Balkans” in Podgorica, Montenegro

Regional Workshop “Enhancing and Strengthening International and Cross-border Cooperation in Addressing Irregular Migration-related Crimes in the Western Balkans” has been held on 31st August -1st September 2016 in Podgorica, Montenegro. The aim of this important regional event has been to strengthen cooperation of criminal justice authorities and other relevant public and private stakeholders in addressing irregular migration-related crimes in the region focusing on prevention, prosecution and assistance provided to the victims, migrants and refugees, with the objective to identify gaps, challenges

MARRI Regional Committee Meeting and MARRI Regional Forum in Podgorica, Montenegro

MARRI Regional Committee Meeting and MARRI Regional Forum in Podgorica, Montenegro

Annual Forum of the Migration, Asylum and Refugees Regional Initiative (MARRI) has been held in Podgorica on 21st June 2016. On that date Montenegro completed one year Presidency in Office over this regional mechanism. Ambassador Milorad Scepanovic, Deputy Foreign Minister for multilateral and regional initiatives chaired the Forum that gathered representatives of the Republic of Albania, Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Serbia and Kosovo*, as well as the representatives of international organizations:  IOM, OBSE, DCAF, ICMPD and

MARRI Friends Meeting in Skopje, Macedonia

MARRI Friends Meeting in Skopje, Macedonia

MARRI Friends Meeting was traditionally organized on 18 May 2016 in Skopje, Macedonia, gathering the international community and Macedonian institutions. The aim of the event was to present the one year activities of MARRI, the ongoing projects and achieved results as well as reflection on MARRI’s future activities. Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia welcomed the audience reiterating the full support towards MARRI mandate and role in the region. The representative of the Montenegrin Presidency-in-Office presented the