iom_skopjeSKOPJE, Macedonia – IOM Skopje organised the “National Roundtable and Visit of Experts: The EU and Regional Perspective” on the premises of the MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje on 14 October 2005.

The round table was organised in the framework of IOM Programme on Temporary Residence Permits (TRP) for Victims of Trafficking in cooperation with the MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje. Its target group was the Macedonian state administration dealing with the issue of temporary residence permits, middle and high level officials as well as civil servants in SAP countries.

Good practice examples from Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were presented in order to contribute to a better understanding of the benefits of introducing temporary residence permits for victims of trafficking in all the countries of the region. MARRI presented its plans on the platform of political cooperation of national coordinators on anti-trafficking in its member states.

IOM TRP National Roundtable & Visit of Experts, Skopje, 14 October 2005