council-of-europe-LOGOSKOPJE, Macedonia – Parliamentarians from the Council of Europe and OSCE as well as members of the European Parliament participated in a seminar on the situation of refugees and displaced persons in the region of the Stability Pact for South-East Europe, which took place in Skopje on 17 and 18 October 2005 (further information also available at

Participants discussed the problems of re-integrating internally displaced persons and refugees, the danger of explosive devices and the fate of missing persons.

The seminar was organised by the Parliamentary Assembly’s Sub-committee on Refugees in co-operation with the MARRI Regional Centre (Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative) as part of the Assembly’s six-month Chairmanship of the Parliamentary Troika of the Stability Pact.

Parliamentary Seminar on Refugees and DPs in SP Region, Skopje, 17-18 October 2005