Pristina – The second workshop in the framework of “Strengthening regional migration governance” project, supported by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through German International Cooperation (GIZ) gathered more than 60 participants from relevant partners and stakeholders in Kosovo*, among which representatives of governmental institutions, international organizations, research/academic institutions and civil society organizations. According to the agenda, the participants exchanged viewpoints on the challenges and priorities in the areas of asylum, border management, trafficking in human beings, readmission and labour migration as well as provided ideas on how MARRI can support their activities on strategic level.

The event was opened by Mr. Izmi Zeka, Deputy Interior Minister of Kosovo* who stressed that the regional cooperation is key for further development of all MARRI Participants in the area of migration, and the joint efforts are necessary for reaching the European standards and building a better future. Deputy Minister Zeka acknowledged MARRI as important instrument in the regional cooperation and reconfirmed Kosovo*’s commitment to dedicatedly participate in the activities of the Initiative.

In his address, MARRI RC Director Sashko Kocev informed on the Initiative’s objectives and priorities while MARRI Participant Representative of Kosovo* to MARRI RC, Mr. Bilall Bilalli explained the purpose of the activity pointing out that MARRI, within its mandate, can facilitate many processes and play important role in achieving the regional goals in the area of migration management. GIZ Team Leader Michael Samec welcomed the participants on behalf of German International Cooperation (GIZ), stating that the migration is a comprehensive challenge and it is important to hear the opinion of all different stakeholders, especially in context of MARRI Strategy and planned activities. Informing on GIZ activities aimed at strengthening the regional migration governance, Mr. Samec expressed his hope that Western Balkans will slowly move from being a region of origin and transit to becoming a region of destination.

In course of two sessions organized as work in groups,  the participants addressed the five thematic areas bringing forward the existing challenges in their line of work but also, the cooperation and coordination within each of their respective sectors and among the sectors. The two possible MARRI products, a publication “White paper on migration”and a regional Pool of experts on migration, were well received and thoroughly discussed.

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*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

28 March 2019 – Workshop on “Strengthening regional dialogue and cooperation on migration”