Building on the long-standing cooperation between the two organizations, MARRI Regional Centre and International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) Office in Skopje, organized an informative meeting where MARRI RC team had an opportunity to learn about the latest developments within ICMPD on organizational and operational level, about their upcoming events and to discuss the possible areas of joint activities.

The ICMPD National Representative of Macedonia and Senior Project Manager, Ms. Melita Gruevska Graham in a comprehensive and holistic way, presented the fundaments and principals of ICMPD and its general portfolio. Elaborating on the priorities and strategic goals of the organization, she underlined that ICMPD as a project-oriented organization with mandate to support the governments on a need-basis, has strategic interest to deepen the collaboration with MARRI. Taking into consideration ICMPD’s interest to increase its presence in the Western Balkans, she pointed out that such synergy could greatly capitalize on MARRI’s accessibility to the Western Balkans administrations and ICMPD’s extensive expertise. As possible areas of interest for joint activities were identified the integrated border management (IBM) and trafficking in human beings (THB) but any other topic was also open for consideration.

11 September 2018 – ICMPD – MARRI RC informative session