Skopje – As part of the preparation process of the new joint programme “Strengthening regional dialogue, coordination and cooperation on migration in the Western Balkans”, financed by Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, MARRI Regional Centre with the support of GIZ Office in Skopje, organized a one-day workshop dedicated to mapping of all relevant actors and stakeholders in MARRI Participants that are involved in the migration management.

The event took place at the premises of MARRI RC and it was attended by the Participant Representatives, MARRI experts, project staff and representatives of GIZ.  In addition to identifying the main stakeholders from the governmental/public sector, civil society and the international organizations, the participants discussed other relevant points such as the level of influence that the stakeholders have in each Participant, their mutual cooperation and their respective areas of interest.

The programme is aimed at strengthening the regional governance of migration in the Western Balkans, by adopting harmonized approach in addressing the migration issues.

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6 September 2018 – MARRI-GIZ Stakeholder Mapping Workshop