Mavrovo lakeMAVROVO, Macedonia – The Programme to Support the Development of Transnational Referral Mechanisms (TRM) for Trafficked Persons in SEE project team meeting took place on 8-10 September 2008 in Mavrovo, Macedonia. The Programme is implemented by ICMPD, while TRM partners are MARRI and UNICEF and the project is financed by USAID.

The Local Liaison Officers shared the results of the questionnaires that were distributed to the National Implementation Teams in each participating country at the beginning of the summer. The goal of the questionnaires was to gather more information on the needs and priorities of each country with regards to the TRM implementation. The information collected with these questionnaires will serve to shape the activities of the fourth phase. An overall report on the results of the questionnaires will be prepared by ICMPD.

The upcoming activities of the fourth phase – the study visits, transnational workshops and monitoring and evaluation tool were also presented.

The project team meeting clarified a number of outstanding issues and gave an effective start of the fourth phase of the TRM programme.

For further information on the above-mentioned Programme, please contact Ms. Elisa Trossero, Programme Manager, ICMPD Vienna, Email

TRM Project Team Meeting, Mavrovo, 8–10 September 2008