90635-Stone-Bridge-Skopje-0SKOPJE, Macedonia – The MARRI Regional Centre organised the first Meeting of the Working Group on Document Security and Establishment of Identity, which took place at the MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje on 5 and 6 February 2007.

The event was made possible by the kind financial assistance of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) and was attended by regional experts from the national institutions managing areas related to document security and establishment of identity in the MARRI region.

This meeting was the follow-up of the Workshop on Document Security and Establishment of Identity (Skopje, 23-24 November 2006), which resulted in the establishment of a Working Group on Document Security and Establishment of Identity, consisting of relevant experts from national institutions managing irregular migration in the region.

The aim of the meeting was to identify gaps and develop solutions/recommendations for possible misuse of legal channels, identify best practices and elaborate follow-up strategies in the area of document security and establishment of identity for the region.

Its objectives were as follows:

  • enhance regional co-operation and information exchange mechanisms and promote harmonisation of standards in the area of irregular transit migration in the field of document security in the MARRI region;
  • support the process of harmonisation with the standards in JHA field, improve regional co-operation and support process of visa facilitation, as part of reforms under the EU integration process;
  • improve regional migration management system to address issues of combating irregular migration on sustainable and permanent basis, thus contributing to the regional efforts to channel irregular flows to regular ones.

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WG on Document Security and Establishment of Identity, Skopje, 5-6 February 2007