IOM-MARRI9135On 13 & 14 November 2012 in Sarajevo, IOM and MARRI RC organized Regional Seminar on “Skills Transfer Programmes and their Contribution to Development”, as part of the EU financed project “Migration for Development in the Western Balkans” (MIDWEB). The event started with opening speaches by the Deputy Minister of Security of BH, Ms. Djaferovic, EU Delegation to BH representative Ms. Hrustanovic-Isovic, IOM Chief of mission in BH, Mr. Djanluidgi, Project Manager Ms. Majkowska Tomkin and MARRI RC Director Stojanovski.

The seminar brought together representatives of institutions in the Western Balkans, selected EU Member States, and international experts to discuss good practices and lessons learned within the framework of skills transfer programmes, identified strategies for the governments in the region to develop and implement diaspora skills transfer programmes adapted to the needs in each country and to consolidate information on the existing gaps in skills transfer programmes.

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IOM-MARRI Regional Seminar on “Skills Transfer Programmes and their Contribution to Development” in Sarajevo