RAKITJE, Croatia – Meeting of the Friends of MARRI, organized by the Croatian Presidency and the MARRI Regional Centre, was held at RACVIAC Centre in Rakitje, Croatia on 6 November 2007. The meeting provided an opportunity for MARRI RC to present its activities in the framework of regional ownership to the donor community.
The participants included state representatives from EU Member States (Austria, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, UK), European Commission and international organisations such as IOM, UNHCR, OSCE and the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe.
The Directors of RACVIAC, MARRI RC and the representative of the Croatian MARRI Presidency in their introductory speeches pointed out the successful process of transformation of MARRI into regionally owned Initiative. Cooperation with other international organisations was welcomed and the signing of MoUs was identified as a method for strengthening that cooperation.
Dr. Trpe Stojanovski, MARRI RC Director presented background information on MARRI, current activities, financial requirements and identified strategic priority areas for the upcoming period. He particularly emphasized complementarities and partnerships with other organizations/institutions such as Swedish Migration Board, EUROPOL ICMPD, IOM, SECI RACVIAC, etc. Dr. Stojanovski underlined that MARRI’s highest priority is the enhancement of regional co-operation in its fields of activities among countries in the region, as a vital part of EU integration process and in line with the Thessaloniki Agenda for the Western Balkans.
Goals, methodologies for implementation and management of three project proposals were presented to the participants of the Friends of MARRI Meeting, i.e. Building Capacity of MARRI Member States for Successful Implementation of Agreements on Visa Facilitation and Readmission, MARRI Interactive Migration Map and Assessment of Types of Identification Documents in MARRI Member States.
The participants from MARRI Member States recognised as crucial the importance of regional cooperation and positive influence MARRI is undertaking in this area. Although the processes for finalising the procedures for financial contributions to the MARRI RC running costs are at different stages, the positive messages from MARRI Capitals reflect full support to the Initiative. It was stressed that only through cooperation and joint efforts with other international actors in the area of migration, MARRI can achieve positive results within its scope of work. Efforts invested by MARRI RC, Croatian Presidency and Stability Pact Office in this difficult period for the Initiative were complemented by all representatives.
International representatives mentioned the extensive support provided in the past for the functioning of MARRI, both political and financial. They gave an overview of ongoing projects their countries and institutions are involved with MARRI Member States. It was suggested that it is time for MARRI to change its role as an external actor for its Member States in the area of migration to internal actor with stronger influence on national institutions managing migration. The MARRI RC role needs to be further upgraded from a platform for exchange of information and enhancement of cooperation to an important contributor to the development of national migration policies. It was stressed that coordination and cooperation with other stakeholders operating in the same field as MARRI is crucial in order to avoid overlapping and duplication of activities. The will for future support and financing of MARRI activities was expressed depending on the achieved success of the process of transformation to regional ownership.
For further information please contact the MARRI Regional Centre at info@marri-rc.org.mk