DSC_2215_RACVIACMARRI Regional Centre participated on the Roundtable titled “Demographic Trends and Social and Economic Challenges in SEE” which took take place on 29 – 30 October 2012 in RACVIAC, Rakitje, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia,
The purpose of the Roundtable was to present demographic changes in the SEE countries, social and economic challenges, main trends and related policies. The event provided the opportunity to explore and discuss demographic trends that occurred over the last decade in the SEE with objectives:
– To give an overview of demographic trends in the EU, relevant EU policies and regulations and bodies responsible for demography in the EU;
– To depict and discuss the impact of demographic changes and social security in the SEE;
– To explain and discuss opportunities for tackling demographic changes;
– To highlight the importance of sustainable development as a response to demographic changes and to promote EU programmes and initiatives aimed at responding to demographic changes;
– To share experiences and national points of view of the SEE countries.
The Roundtable was opened with welcoming address of Ambassador Branimir Mandic, RACVIAC Director and key note speeches of Dr. Jörg Peschner, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission and Ms. Ana Trišić Babić, Deputy Minister of MFA of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Roundtable gathered participants on decision-making level from signatory countries of the RACVIAC Agreement and experts representing relevant ministries/Agencies dealing with the topic as well as representatives of other MAG countries and relevant international organizations, NGOs and media.

Roundtable “Demographic Trends and Social and Economic Challenges in SEE” held in Rakitje, Croatia