Meeting: “Capacities of MARRI Member States’ Border Police in Implementation of Readmission Agreements” – Skopje, 12 March 2010
MARRI Regional Centre organized a meeting titled “Capacities of MARRI Member States’ Border Police in Implementation of Readmission Agreements” in Skopje, on 12 March 2010. The objectives of the meeting were:
– To present current situation in practical implementation of readmission agreements;
– To share experiences regarding capacities of Border Police in MARRI Member States in the practical implementation of Readmission Agreements;
– To identify good practices;
– To discuss possible follow-up to the meeting, i.e. project proposals to be developed by MARRI Regional Centre which would enhance capacities of Border Police to be more successful in implementation of Readmission Agreements.
In order to accomplish the objectives of the meeting MARRI Regional Centre gathered high level representatives from MARRI Member States’ Border Police units directly involved in practical aspects of implementation of readmission agreements. Representatives from the delegation of the European Union in and international partner organizations (ICMPD, IOM) also presented their view of implementation of readmission agreements in the region. Also representatives from OSCE and UNHCR were present at this meeting.
Successful implementation of Readmission Agreements represents the most crucial part of the return process. The topic of the meeting is considered to be both timely and important, particularly now, when increase in cases of readmitted persons is expected due to liberalization of visa regimes in MARRI Member States.