Skopje – MARRI RC with support of German International Cooperation (GIZ) Office in Skopje organized a 2-day meeting dedicated to finalization of the MARRI organizational documents and future organizational structure of the Regional Centre. The meeting that took place at the premises of the Regional Centre, was attended by MARRI Committee Members, MARRI National Coordinators and MARRI RC Director as members of Ad Hoc Working Group established in accordance with Conclusions of MARRI Forum Meeting held on June 26, 2017 in Belgrad.

The Working Group coordinated by Macedonian National Coordinator Aleksandar Todosiev, proposed draft internal organizational documents which were developed based on the assessment and recommendations of independent expertise in the scope of GIZ technical assistance to the MARRI reform.  The draft Organizational Chart with clear job descriptions and reporting lines at the MARRI Regional Centre as well as the revised Internal Work Procedures and Rules for the MARRI Regional Centre were systematically discussed on the meeting.

The second day agenda included presentation of the Joint Programme of Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and GIZ “Strengthening regional dialog, coordination and cooperation on migration in the Western Balkans” aimed at further support of MARRI in strengthening the regional governance of migration in the Western Balkans. In her presentation the Planning Officer at GIZ HQ Valeska Onken, informed that after the inception phase of 8 months, the Programme’s first phase is will be launched on July 2018 and until July 2019 it will implement activities that will serve to identify the challenges and best practices in the migration management that are of common interest for WB region and are aimed at further capacitating of MARRI as a tool that boosts regional cooperation. Starting with the mapping of the relevant stakeholders, through consultations and needs analysis of MARRI Participants in the MARRI Participants national structures, this phase will provide a basis of the next phase of the project with total duration of 3 years. Ms. Onken invited all Participants to share their comments, concerns and ideas as a contribution toward more successful implementation of the Programme.

The meeting was concluded with agreement that Working Group will meet again before prepared documents are proposed for adoption at the forthcoming MARRI Regional Forum of Ministers to be held in Tirana on 12th June 2018.

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12-13 April 2018, MARRI Ad hoc Working Group meeting on MARRI reform and organizational architecture