OhridDSC08355From 06 to 08.06.2012 in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, RACVIAC-Centre for Security Cooperation and MARRI-Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative organized a Round table titled ‘Irregular Migration and Its Effects on Security’. The main purpose of the Round table is exchanging the information regarding the legislative aspects, standards, procedures, lessons learned and the challenges faced. The representative from EU Delegation in Macedonia made introductory speech. The experts from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, SELEC, RACVIAC and MARRI Regional Centre-Skopje presented the current tendencies from their national and regional perspective. The event brings the possibility for exchanging the statistical data, as well as modus operandi in the field of irregular migration and with the related phenomenon, like asylum, refugees, human trafficking, crime and terrorism, document security and their effects on security.
Advanced level of presentations by participants, transparent and detailed data exchanged was fallowed with lively discussion and ideas exposed for further considerations.
MARRI and RACVIAC made jointly concluding remarks and expressed their readiness in due time to reconvene on different more specified aspect of relationship of migration and security in South East Europe in light of current areas of  unstable situations and developments considering also the effects of the other sources provoking waves of migrations toward the Region.

Round table ‘Irregular Migration and Its Effects on Security’