DSC01195OHRID, Macedonia – The Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, within its capacity of MARRI Presidency-In-Office, organised the Seminar on “Comprehensive Migration Management Systems,” held in Hotel Granit, Ohrid on 12 September 2008.

Recently, the European Commission opened a structured dialogue on visa liberalisation for all MARRI Member States (Croatia already has visa free regime with EU countries) which resulted in “Roadmaps on visa liberalisation” with clearly defined standards each country has to meet in order to gradually progress towards the liberalization of visa regimes. In order to meet four sets of issues to be covered by the dialogue: document security, illegal migration, public order and security as well as external relations and fundamental rights items linked to the movement of persons, the MARRI Member States need to develop comprehensive, integrated migration management systems tailored to their specific needs.

In this respect, the national migration management experts from MARRI Member States had an opportunity to present their national migration systems, while the EU experts from Sweden and The Netherlands have familiarised the participants with their experience and best practices in EU countries.

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Seminar “Comprehensive Migration Management Systems,” Ohrid, 12 September 2008