Skopje_nocturna_panorama (1)SKOPJE, Macedonia – The final meeting of the DCIM (The Data Collection and Information Management) programme took place in Skopje on 14-15 April 2008. DCIM Project was funded by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.  Partners in this project were:  ICMPD, MARRI, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Trafficking Network (ACTA) and EUROPOL.

The objectives of the above-mentioned meeting were:

– Presentation/discussion about preliminary results of the assessment of the DCIM start-up phase;
– Identification of the remaining gaps and possible recommendations;
– General feedback from the beneficiaries and proposal for follow-ups.

This project sought to support government actors in the collection, management and ultimately analysis of this very important trafficking data. DCIM was envisaged as a starting point for data collection and information management – from both the victim and trafficker side – which each country can build upon as needed and in moving forward in their counter-trafficking efforts.

Final Regional Meeting of DCIM Programme, Skopje, 14-15 April 2008