Under the auspices of Slovenian Chairmanship three regional events has been organized, in the framework of Brdo Process. Delegation of MARRI RC, headed by director has been invited to take part at  the meetings.

During the 18th Police Cooperation Convention in South Eastern Europe (PCC SEE) Committee, Ministers of Home Affairs supported the Report on Convention implementation and proposed way ahead for enhancing operational cooperation in the area of special investigative techniques. Undercover investigations have been assessed as one of the most effective tools. Ministers also assessed that PCCSEE represents valuable legal framework for joint activities and suggested further synergies among various regional initiatives in order to valorize available resources aimed at reaching more tangible results in combatting organized and serious crime. In that context, MARRI and PCCSEE will sign Memorandum of Understanding, on 12th June 2018. This agreement will enable regular information exchange and consultations on priorities in order to promote regional projects, facilitate participation of regional stakeholders in the EU programs and valorization of project results relevant for implementation of new activities.

One of the key topics at Brdo Process Ministerial Meeting was regional cooperation in the field of combating trafficking in human beings. Ministers agreed that the functioning of Anti-Trafficking Coordinators Network from SEE (NATCSEE) managed by ICMPD contributes to the strengthening of regional cooperation and that activities in this format should continue. On the sidelines of this meeting, delegations of MARRI RC and ICMPD discussed possibilities for synergies in the activities of two Anti- Trafficking Coordinators Networks, in order to avoid overlap and increase possibilities for support to regional approach in combating trafficking in human beings with focus on prevention. Ministerial Declaration on strengthening regional cooperation in SEE to combat trafficking in human beings has been adopted link

Second Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG) Board Meeting, chaired by European Commission has been focused on presentation of developed Integrative Action Plans for three pillars (Western Balkans Counter-terrorism Initiative, Western Balkans Counter Serious Crime Initiative, Western Balkans Border Security Initiative) of this IPA II funded multiannual program (2018-2020).

These documents are focused at the following priority areas: a) prevention and countering of radicalization and violent extremism and counter-terrorism, b) countering serious crime and corruption, c) migration management and border security. MARRI RC has been invited as one of partner organizations, that have been consulted in the development of these documents along with UNODC, IOM, RCC, FRONTEX, EUROPOL, CEPOL, OSCE, SELEC, RAI, DCAF, PCCSEE etc.

Milko Berner, Deputy Interior Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria as the Presidency of the European Union assessed that these three Action Plans fully comply with EU Presidency priorities.

Referring to the third pillar in his welcome address President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor stressed that management of migration should be addressed with due accountability and strategic approach towards future challenges. European Commission Representative Henk Viesser, DG NEAR (D5) reiterated during discussion that support will be provided in the context of new EU Strategy for Western Balkans and forthcoming Berlin Process Summit to be held in London in July 2018.

Brdo Process Ministerial Meeting, 18th PCCSEE Committee of Ministers & Second IISG Board Meeting 15-16th March 2018