(ANSA) – TRIESTE – ”As your Premier Renzi said, and I totally agree with him, Europe was not made to create, but to destroy walls, and to give people an area of prosperity, freedom and future” . This is what Tamara Mugosa, director of the Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative (Marri)- regional initiative which brings together the Balkan countries – and non-resident ambassador of Montenegro to Israel, said today speaking with ANSA on the sidelines of the CEI (Central European Initiative) summit in Trieste.
Amb. Tamara Mugosa interview for CEI
La Serbia ha agito da nazione europea
Dačić i direktorka MARRI o izbegličkoj krizi

Ministar spoljnih poslova Srbije Ivica Dačić razgovarao je danas u Beogradu s direktorkom Regionalnog centra za migracije, azil i izbeglice (MARRI) Tamarom Mugošom o rešavanju izbegličke krize koja u regionu posebno pogađa Srbiju i Makedoniju.
Read more (novimagazin.rs)
Read more (rts.rs)
Meeting between Minister Stefanovic and Ambassador Mugosa MARRI Director in Ohrid
On the margins of the Four – side meeting between Ministers of Interior of the Republic of Austria, Hungary, the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Serbia on the steps necessary to contain the extraordinary mixed migration pressure affecting their countries, Ambassador Mugosa held a meeting with the Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic.
Crnogorsko predsjedavanje MARRI – Projekat za uspostavljanje regionalne baze podataka prevodilaca za rijetke jezike
Regionalna radionica u okviru projekta “Poboljšanje procedura za utvrđivanje identiteta ilegalnih migranata u MARRI regionu”, koji finansira Vlada Velike Britanije, održana je u Skoplju 3. i 4. septembra u organizaciji MARRI Regionalog centra (RC).
WS – Regional efforts for identifying migrants in the Western Balkans
Efforts and techniques how to tackle better the migration issues in the countries of the Western Balkans was at the centre of the debate at the regional forum taking place in Skopje today. In light of the migrant crisis in Europe the British Embassy has decided to provide programme support to the Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative (MARRI), which would help the countries members of the initiative to have joint database of interpreters for rare languages and a regional legal framework, efforts that will contribute to enhancing the capacity of national institutions in MARRI member countries.
Crna Gora zasad bez većih problema s izbjeglicama
Direktorica Regionalne inicijative MARRI Tamara Mugoša rekla je podgoričkom dnevniku Pobjeda da se broj izbjeglica iz dana u dan mijenja te da se situacija u regiji pomno prati i analizira.